my chronicles

thinking seriously aboout non-serious matters ...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It is sometimes so overwhelming that we can do so many things when we have free time, that we fail to make a start with one of them. What is the result of it? we keep doing things without any real purpose. Something like logging into your mailbox again and again inspite of knowing that there are no new mails. These are things that just come out of habit, involuntarily. That is where it becomes a real danger. Whiling away time with these purpose-less habits is the worst killer of your time. There are other things that kill time - reading some random person's profile or a blog or whatever. But these are slightly better than the ones previously mentioned.

We must be conscious of what we are doing with our time, because the worst thing is to do something which either does not have any result. Now again, the older people tell me - don't look at short term gains, develop the ability to see from a long term perspective. This is one shortcoming of working in a company which develops you and expects that you will stay there till retirement. The restless energitic I am, it concerns me quite a bit when people say 'wait'. 1. Perhaps I have to change my perspective, 2. perhaps they have to understand that what guys like me want is immediate gains. But, after reading the book Mastery by George Leonard, I am more tempted to chose the 2nd option.

Now this brings me to the reason I am writing this note, reading books changes perspectives. That is definitely one way how people have grown, mentally. Other means might be meeting new people, learning new things from friends, doing new things and the likes. It always helps to be open to what others think be it an author, a friend, parent or anyone. Movies ofcourse are one of the faster ways of delivering strong messages. The charactar forrest gump made an impression on many.

The fact that I am writing this post is because I am liking what i am doing. Keep yourself busy by doing what you like. Ofcourse have an idea of where you want to go in the 'longer term'. This is analogous to- driving to somewhere you havent been before, you are consciouse of the direction you want to go, but you surely want to enjoy the ride while you are at it.



At 4:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

haha.. i am update with it and agree to the part where you do some timewaste involuntarily. what do we do brother ?

At 4:43 PM, Blogger sai said...

what do we do regarding what?

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

what entraa.. mana ee roganiki virugudentani askingu

At 4:45 PM, Blogger sai said...

read, write, read again, go to gym, get tired and sleep.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger sai said...

and dont expect ppl's phone calls :P

At 1:00 PM, Blogger chaithu said...

Good POst raa
End of day,
Life is like a big dark tunnel where u can pursue the destination by only seeing the light. That light can be near or it can be far, really far.
Ofcourse there are many lights in between and we all have a choice to stop our journey the moment we see a light. So Are we big enough to dare one more dark tunnel in search of more bright light is the key here. Every Journey has a destination and this journey is special as its our life and there is nothing wrong in making it as big as we can, After all, its ur life, Make it Big!!!


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